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Colleen Black

Dream a big dream

A few moths ago, I made a big move in life. I was living in Washington State, enjoying every moment of a large studio, warm settings, a great family… not to mention some happy chickens and 3 bunnies that I recued from our cat, Fred. It was my mother’s property. I had ripped free from a leash and moved home to live there with very little worry and a wide open avenue to practice my art.

The years previous to this were filled with eye opening experiences in the art world. I hadn’t made it to any “Big Top” but am grateful that I was involved with an agency that was sincerely doing their best to take me there. I don’t know to this day if they really understand why I quit. The other artists they employ drive Lamborghini’s by now, have all that they want and it seems a little on the dumb side that I would choose the road that I did.

But not from where my heart told me to stand. You see, there is this higher perspective… one that we have to stand way back to be able to see. One that doesn’t choose sides, but sees all of them from an empathetic view then chooses the path that will be best for all. It’s out of this love that I chose to be a rogue artist. It had nothing to do with the loving and very kind people that sold a ton of my art for really high prices.

So here I am today- living on the East coast, literally a few blocks from the Ocean. Both of my girls live with me- a new Husky/Border Collie mix dog named Axel and our cat Fred. I had to leave my studio and all it’s equipment in Washington. I miss the chickens, bunnies, and especially my family there. They have been everything to me in the world of support. They haven’t always understood my decisions. Very few have. But they love my heart, understand my calling, and are my rock. It’s the day after Christmas… 2020, the year of perfect vision. That’s a bit of a sarcastic jab there. Although, we may be about to enter into a year of more vision than we would prefer, so perfection- being a dream of the dreamer… is exactly 2020. Because even lies are perfection in the eyes of the liars.

I haven’t created anything in months. The move and all of it’s surroundings encompassed my soul and threw me for some carnival rides. Life is starting over again for me. This dream of creating sculpture again lit the embers and the coals of creative fire still run hot within me. Today is brand new… just like every day, but this day has a plan, THIS day includes some creative fire.

For all who read this, I wish the same. We have been through a lot together. There are those who create their day and those who copy the ones that do. Be the change you want to see in this world, see it in your mind. Then take the steps to get there. Make 2021 a year of vision beyond perfection, a vision beyond deception… a vision of your very OWN creation.

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